Friday 28 August 2009

Peneleh Grave

Article by Aji Prarismawan
Translated by Andarita Rolalisasi

Peneleh grave is a burial complex that was built in 1814 and an area approximates about 4.5 ha. The grave was closed in 1955. Although the condition is now dilapidated but we can learn about the past from the detail of grave. There are many ornaments of tomb like gothic and doric, also the roman scluptures. The story of their lives who died can be found at the stone inscriptions cast iron or marble. One of them is tomb of the VOC company president.

Peneleh is one old part of Surabaya. The location which was formerly a area of territory of choice prince (pinilih), son of Wisnu Wardhana who was a king of Singosari royal. Prince was appointed leader of the area between the river of Pegirian and Kalimas. Besides that, Peneleh is one of history of Surabaya which place of the ancient mosque, the old settlement, the old hole grapes market, and the grave which is one of the oldest graves in East Java. Also the place of HOS Cokroaminoto house where Ir Soekarno lived during his school in Surabaya.

Firstly, place of Peneleh grave was hidden because located across the Kalimas river and among between kampung Peneleh and Lawang Seketeng where near Undaan forest. There were no available way and bridge to the grave. Closure of these locations opened since Peneleh bridge built in 1900's by Dutch. The mode of transportation to reach the grave was by boat. Bodies should be buried along Kalimas by boat and ended at the port which is now a grapes market. Then the corpse was taken to the cemetery by using horse-drawn carriage. The number of horses that pulled the cart shows the social status of body. Besides that, also there was crematory for not buried.

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